Sunday, April 03, 2005

mr. sandman...give me a dream...

wtf is wrong with me?!?! it's 1:30 in the morning and i'm still wide awake!!! it's actually pissing me off because i want to go to bed. i didn't have caffeine or anything...i don't know why i'm not sleeping.


anyway, i've been kinda out of sorts the past couple days. just kinda highs and lows. like missing my old house, then being VERY excited about dmb's summer tour. today was the first day that i got really hyper about it...i guess it kinda helped that i had an incredible dmb dream last anyway, so not sure what's going on...maybe it's hormonal. yeah, let's blame it on the damned hormones.

anyhoo, the hubby's been doing great...i still wonder if it will last. i mean he really seems good, but it's gonna take a long while before i can feel somewhat secure.

aww fuck. i guess i'll try to go to bed for the third time.

sweet dreams...