Thursday, November 11, 2004

ashes to ashes...

well, last night went pretty much as expected, it's never hard to see your loved one no longer present in their body. in many ways, i was glad she wasn't in her body anymore. she was living a very hard life, and the knowledge that she is now free is comforting. plus, her body did not look like her anyway. seriously, it really seemed like a mannequin (sp). i don't mean that harshly, it just wasn't her. it's a good thing because that is not how i want to remember her anyway.

right now i'm waiting for my sis to come over, she, the hubby and i will drive to the funeral together. the kids will stay with gramma, then the hubby will come get them to go to the reception at rich's house.

i hope it goes as well as is possible - my mom and her brother will both be speaking at the service, i know it will be very hard for my mom, but it is important to her.


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